4 October 2024

It’s been a little over a year since Gozynta acquired Eureka Process in August 2023, and looking back, it stands out as a pivotal moment for both companies. For me, as the former owner and founder of Eureka Process, it was more than just a business transaction. It was about merging two distinct company cultures and finding common ground to move forward with shared purpose.

At Gozynta, core values had been well-established. Brian Johnson, one of their co-founders, had set those values over four years ago, and they’ve guided the company through significant growth and change. But as a company that prides itself on experimentation and excellence, Gozynta knew that adapting and evolving those values was key to maintaining forward momentum.

When Gozynta acquired Eureka Process—now known as Gozynta Eureka—it became clear that this was the perfect opportunity for them to revisit their core values. Eureka Process had built a reputation for helping businesses define and refine their values, so the timing couldn’t have been better. The name change to Gozynta Eureka marked the integration of both teams and signified a unified path forward.

A Strategic Meeting with Purpose

Not long after the acquisition, the Gozynta leadership team gathered for their quarterly strategy meeting. I facilitated the session, and although they had many agenda items—such as Identity, Direction, and Objectives—it was the discussion around their core values that took center stage.

Initially, both companies had slightly different value statements on paper. But as we worked through them, it became clear that the two sets of values were not only compatible but highly complementary. This realization validated the decision to unite both companies and showed that their alignment went deeper than just business—it was cultural too.

Refining and Aligning

To help refine those values, I led Gozynta through a series of exercises to avoid the common traps companies face when defining their values. Together, we deconstructed, debated, and rebuilt their values into something more cohesive. By the end of that session, they had narrowed it down to three core values that resonated with the entire team.

We allowed those ideas to sit for a quarter, ensuring they still held true after some time had passed. When we revisited them, it was clear that they had solidified into a strong foundation that the company could confidently move forward with.

Having spent years refining Eureka Process’s own values, I took on the responsibility of making sure these final statements were as concise and impactful as possible. The goal wasn’t just to refine words but to distill the true essence of what Gozynta and Gozynta Eureka stood for together.

The Refreshed Core Values

Here’s what we arrived at:

Empathy – Understanding others deeply, seeing from their perspective, to build strong relationships and fuel success.

Growth – Embracing learning, trying new things, and striving for improvement.

Excellence – Doing work that they are proud of and always striving to do better.

These values are now embedded into everything Gozynta does, shaping their hiring processes, their internal culture, and their relationships with clients. They’re not just statements—they’re principles that guide the company's decisions and actions.

Let’s Talk About Your Values

The journey of refining these values was transformative for Gozynta, and if your organization is looking to do the same, Gozynta Eureka would love to help. Over the years, I’ve learned a lot about how to identify, clarify, and live by core values, and we’d be happy to offer a complimentary consultation to share those insights.

Core values are more than just words on paper—they're the compass that guides companies through growth and change. Gozynta’s experience refining their values with Gozynta Eureka has only reinforced that belief.