Headshot portrait of Audra Vegaby Audra Vega
30 September 2021

We'll bee there for you support is our 9 am to 5 p.m ET email support for Break Fix issues. This is what is included underneath our support that comes with our Mobius Lite and Standard plans.

THIS POST IS OUT OF DATE - please refer to this updated post

Examples of Common Errors from Tickets:

  • Everything was working yesterday, but I just sent a batch over but not all of my details came over on the invoice.
  • Unknown Error: Contact Support
  • My expenses are not transferring over correctly.
  • I want to start using classes. I have set them up in ConnectWise but they are not transferring over correctly.
  • I am getting this weird tax error, I have not changed anything in my taxes. Can you see why it is giving me this error?

Questions asked regarding how a particular setting within Mobius works.

Examples of common Questions encountered.

  • What does Append Account Name do?
  • What is the difference between these options for Vendor Invoice date?
  • My Quickbooks Online connection says it is disconnected. How do I reconnect it?

Questions asked about making a change in your settings.

Examples of common Questions encountered.

  • I am changing my Quickbooks Online Company to a new company. How do I do that?
  • I am trying to enable AutoSync but I only want to sync Invoices and Payments. How do I do that?
  • I want to start using locations in Quickbooks Online. How do I enable that in Mobius?

What is not covered under support?

  • Anything that falls under setup. Examples of Common setup issues.
  • GL Account Mapping issues related to GL Accounts not being set up properly. This includes but not limited to GL Mapping for Products, Invoicing, Customers, Vendors, etc.
  • System Setup of your ConnectWise Integration or Quickbooks Online.
  • Creating a Chart of Accounts.
  • Creating GL Account entries.
  • Errors related to any of the above issues. These errors are normally seen in the first 90 days of setting up and using Mobius. They are also seen when a partner has made some changes in their GL Mappings for products and services. As well as creating new Customers.

If you wish to have more support. We do have a premiere support plan that you can purchase. You can view that on this blog post HERE.

We also have our On-boarding package that you can purchase as well. You view what all is included in that package on this knowledge base article: Gozynta Onboarding Package